Saturday, March 28, 2015

Luke's fourth encounter with a goat.

With Kenny bogged down with work, Luke and I took a trip out to Blessington Farms with our neighbors to pick some yummy strawberries and enjoy some fresh air. And let me just say, having visited farms and picked fruit in Utah and Idaho, that Texas farms are a racket. A racket. Yes, we ended up with some yummy berries and the boys had fun exploring the little play area they had set up, but I doubt we will be returning to pay the exorbitant fees. We might live in one of the five largest cities in the US, but deep down Luke and I are a couple of country bumpkins. 

Anyway, Luke loved the giant slide and animals, holding extremely still while he held a (very docile) chicken and giving hugs and kisses to all of the baby goats. 

Post kiss--see the nice snot-string still connecting them

He also enjoyed the mini egg hunt but was extremely selective about which eggs he decided to put in his basket, so we will see how he does on Easter.

  If only we had a yard that I could just release him into each day...

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