Sunday, March 8, 2015

21 Months

This month was a busy one for Luke! He took his first international trip outside the womb, handling both the flights and jetlag like a pro, and was offered his first job (as a model). He has grown tired of his little baby body and really wants to do big boy things; Luke no longer wants to sit in his high chair or his car seat, so getting into both has become a wrestling match that Luke sadly always loses. 

Balls are still his favorite toy and he has started to successfully catch large balls thrown at him (they still have to be rather gently thrown and pretty spot on) and he can kick and dribble a ball very well with his feet. He still loves electronics of all kinds and will bring you your phone with the request that you "call people?" Luke loves keys and locks and containers doors and anything grown up; we pulled together some miscellaneous keys to make "Lukey's keys" after he lost mom's house key for an entire day, which he quickly lost interest in once he realized that they didn't actually open anything. 

Above all, Luke loves music! He is starting to sing the words to songs, including the ABCs (he can go up to G, but "LMNOP" will also come out occasionally), Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Wheels on the Bus, and Rather Be (he prefers the Pentatonix version). He has also started showing preference for what we listen to in the car and will loudly assert his opinion if he doesn't like what is playing. Best of all, he loves to dance and has some sweet dance moves!

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