Tuesday, September 30, 2014

16 Months

In just one short month we have gone from having an infant to a full-fledged toddler. Luke is running and climbing and spinning and dancing and throwing tantrums right and left. He has learned the dreaded "no" and its many uses: long and mournful "noooooooos" and short rapid-fire, irritated "nonononos!" He still can't say yes, so no serves both purposes. His vocabulary has expanded to "night-night" and "nummas" for food, but his favorite word by far is "dada" as he wanders around the house wondering where he is. 

Luke loves to play in the kitchen with pots and pans and spatulas and still loves to eat as often as possible. He has learned how to climb onto the kitchen table from the kitchen chairs to access whatever goodies might be up there and can now reach into all of the as-of-yet-non-babyproofed drawers in our apartment.

He has also learned how to navigate the ipad well enough to take pictures and initiate facetime, so if you see a missed facetime call you weren't expecting it may, in fact, be Luke. He loves to throw things (anything, really) and has recently learned the joys of playing hide and seek. 

And no, his hair still hasn't been cut.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE his hair. Don't cut it! Isn't it so fun when nothing is safe anymore? Your trip looked amazing, by the way. We miss you guys!
