Sunday, September 28, 2014

15 Months

Luke's fifteenth month had lots of airplane rides in it. He got to spend some quality time with his cousins in the mountains in Washington state and then was left with Mere Mere and Opa D for ten days while mom and dad left to go on a bar trip. While away he got better and better at walking, learned to crawl up and down stairs, rode in a canoe for the first time, and went swimming in a lake for the first time. The canoe wasn't his favorite, though he warmed up to it a bit when he realized he could throw rocks in the water.

Luke is still signing and jabbering, but finally the words "uh-oh" "mama" and "dada" are distinguishable (dada being the official first word). Eating is above and beyond his favorite thing to do with making noise a close second.

Luke apparently loves trying on shoes, as we learned when we bought his first pair, and wants to wear his as often as possible. Sleeping is still his least favorite.

Lucky us.

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