Sunday, November 22, 2020

19 Month Wessers

 Wes has lots and lots of baby words now, though we are probably the only people who can really understand him. He has words for ice cream or any general treat (I-meem), cars (eee), quesadilla and/or pizza (dia), and is even forming some little sentences, such as "Wan' that" (I want that). His brothers have recently upped their potty talk (Derek especially), so he is also using the word poopoo a lot, such as yelling "AHM! Ha' poopoo!" (mom! I have a poopoo) in the middle of the night to try to get me to come and pick him up (to date, he has never actually had a mid-night poopy diaper). Wes is also joining in the potty talk humor; his favorite joke is saying someone's name and then saying poopoo. His favorite name to use is Dada, as in "Dada poopoo", after which he will giggle and then repeat, over and over.

Wes is unfortunately very aware of everything that drives people crazy--he loves whacking his brothers on the head or pulling their hair or grabbing their skin with his little baby claws, and will smile the entire time he does it, then squawk as you pull him away. He loves to wreck towers and meticulously laid train tracks and knock over action figures and steal balls from the crucial last moments of football games. He also likes to suck on his candy/treats/gummies, passing them to his hand and back into his mouth over and over until everything is sticky (mom made this one worse by reacting so strongly--now he makes sure that I know that he's doing it and then runs away as I try to intervene). 

Wes is still nursing, finally falling asleep easily and sleeping through the night, and slimming down as he refuses to stop moving and is now a bit too busy to sit still for long enough to eat. 

He's quite the spunky little stinker! 

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