Wessers is slowly morphing from baby to something-not-quite-baby and it breaks my heart! He is a little climber, up on top of tables and chairs and couches and the stairs, if he can get to them, and dives off headfirst when he wants to get down. The dishwasher, pantry, toilet, and top bunk are his favorite things to play in if left accessible and if he hears a door open to the outside he immediately starts squawking and heading that way to make sure he's included.
Wesley still loves food, but is now a lot more aware of who is eating what and gets very upset if he sees something on someone else's plate that isn't being offered on his. He is also still asking to nurse quite a bit (and since everyone is just hanging out at home, there's plenty of easy-access) so he is chunking up nicely.
His crib has also been moved into the boys' room, so he's one of the guys now! Bedtime is a bit like Lord of the Flies, but everyone is getting used to it and Wesley isn't as upset when he gets put to bed. I'm sure they are learning all sorts of important life skills through the process (like how to sleep through bloodcurdling screams).
I wonder how many more boys we can pack in that room...
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