Wednesday, March 11, 2020

11 Month Wessers

Wesley is such a little mover (which you can tell by how hard it was to get him to sit still). He is a pretty fast and loud crawler, slapping his hands down on the ground, especially when he is chasing after his brothers. He loves being able to get where he wants to go and is very unhappy when he is restrained (like when a brother really really wants to hold him nice and tight).

Normally, though, he absolutely loves his big brothers. He thinks they are the absolute funniest and most interesting beings in existence. If he hasn't seen one in a while and they come near him he starts grinning and hyperventilating a bit and wiggling his whole body, hoping they start talking to him. They love him right back! Often violently.

He does, however, have an extra-special shriek that he has honed to perfection for when someone is invading his space/taking his things/holding him back/being a general nuisance. Think shrieking eel meets pterodactyl. Derek is usually the main offender; unfortunately, Wesley no longer seems to accept replacements for whatever he was playing with, so Derek's main tactic for toy-stealing is no longer working. 

Wesley loves playing in the dishwasher, putting things in and taking things out of things, going for rides on his dad's rowing machine, pushing buttons on remotes, throwing things, tubs, sand, and being outside. He also finds it really funny to put things in his mouth that he finds on the floor and will look at me with a little grin and then spit it out as I get closer. He is starting to recognize reactions and really seems to like them! So he also enjoys throwing his food on the floor, yanking on the bathroom mirror above his changing table, pretending to bite while nursing, and making a beeline for the stairs whenever he can. 

Wes is still extremely clingy, still extremely happy and grinny and giggly, and is still a lovable little squishy guy!

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