Only for a few more days!
Wesley is such a joy. He can sit pretty well now, though he can't figure out how to get himself into a seated position and so ends up doing these really hilarious little baby crunches when he falls over. He still won't roll over unless forced and will now actively keep himself from rolling over by arching his back and extending his legs. At his six month appointment the doctor was having a hard time getting her little exam stick in his mouth and asked "are you going to be a stubborn little baby?" He was probably thinking she was going to try to force some food down his throat, since so far he has also been pretty resistant to us feeding him anything. (He will feed himself just fine!)
Wes is a terrible sleeper, but is luckily so pleasant that it's not the end of the world. He shrieks louder than all of our babies thus far, which is no small feat, and already shows a preference for all of the toys that his brothers play with
He is very observant, very alert, and loves to use and wave around his hands. We love our wiggly Wesley!
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