Sunday, August 4, 2019

4 Month Wessers

Contrary to how his pictures look here, Wes is normally a happy happy little baby! He loves to smile and will even giggle a bit if you tickle him just right. He loves to be in the center of all the action and is starting to really like his brothers and find them quite amusing. 

Wesley is not a huge fan of sleep, however. He likes to wake up from naps suddenly and without warning, expressing his outrage at having been put down in his bed alone somewhere with his arms pinned at his sides. He is also not a very big fan of teething; he has one tooth at four months and is working on his second already. He does not like being left alone anywhere for long and still hates his carseat more than anything else but will tolerate it if I can somehow contort myself enough to nurse him while he is in it (like when we took an uber to the airport--poor, poor uber driver). 

Wesley also does not seem to like people screaming right in his face. (Looking at you, big brothers)

 I'm sure he'll get used to it. 

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