Friday, December 6, 2019

Wesser's Whiskers

The most facial hair he will probably ever have...

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Sunday, December 1, 2019

This Thanksgiving we were grateful for boys, busy bodies, and being outside in the beautiful Houston weather. 

And babies, of course. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

7th and 8th Month Wessers

I missed a month. Poor third child. 

Last month, Wes was barely sitting up, needing a boppy pillow as a safety net, and would keel over after a few minutes and lay on his pillow, kicking his legs and trying to sit straight up by doing a little baby crunch. Now he is everywhere, army crawling, pushing himself back up into a seated position, rocking back and forth on his hands and knees, and terrorizing poor Derek (who gets him back by stealing his toys, which Welsey has already learned he does not like). 

At seven months, he still wasn't sleeping through the night and was taking terrible thirty minute naps during the day. He still wakes up all night, but now at least he takes some gloriously long day naps. Baby steps. 

Also at seven months, Wes was just starting to pick at his food, sometimes getting stuff into his mouth and sometimes not, but mostly refusing to be fed anything by spoon. Now, he still won't willingly eat off of a spoon, but he does shovel an impressive amount of food into that little mouth and has already got a pincher grasp dextrous enough for little frozen peas. Which he loves.

Some things are still the same. He is still a super snuggly, loving, excitable little guy who loves his momma more than anything else. He still shrieks louder than his brothers and babbles and giggles and coos as much as possible. He still isn't a huge fan of his carseat, but he now just kind of whimpers and looks at me tragically when I strap him in instead of full-on wailing. 

And he is still his brothers' favorite toy, though with a new and improved movement function that they think is really fun when they kick around a ball and taunt him to come and get it. 

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Cowabunga, dude!

Lean green ninja team

On the scene
Cool teens doing ninja things

So extreme
Out the sewer like laser beams

Heroes in a half shell

Turtle Power!

Monday, October 14, 2019

6 Month Wessers

Only for a few more days!

Wesley is such a joy. He can sit pretty well now, though he can't figure out how to get himself into a seated position and so ends up doing these really hilarious little baby crunches when he falls over. He still won't roll over unless forced and will now actively keep himself from rolling over by arching his back and extending his legs.  At his six month appointment the doctor was having a hard time getting her little exam stick in his mouth and asked "are you going to be a stubborn little baby?" He was probably thinking she was going to try to force some food down his throat, since so far he has also been pretty resistant to us feeding him anything. (He will feed himself just fine!)

Wes is a terrible sleeper, but is luckily so pleasant that it's not the end of the world. He shrieks louder than all of our babies thus far, which is no small feat, and already shows a preference for all of the toys that his brothers play with
 He is very observant, very alert, and loves to use and wave around his hands. We love our wiggly Wesley! 

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Best of the Weekend

Some of our favorite conference talks of the weekend: President Eyring, Elder Oaks, Elder Vinson, Elder Ballard, to name a few. 

Favorite quote from our very own living room:

"I want everyone to stay at least six inches away from me!" 

How blessed we are to be able to listen to our prophet's voice! 

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Cougar Cub

Possibly Luke's greatest weekend ever.

A father-son trip to Tennessee to see the Cougars pull it out in double overtime from a couple of rows behind the BYU bench. 

Throw in a plane ride and a hotel stay and high-fives from all the players and it's absolute six-year-old perfection. 

And some extremely high expectations for the many, many years of BYU fandom going forward. 

No pressure, right?

Friday, August 30, 2019

Preschool Pro

A new school, new teachers, and still he bounded off without so much as a backward glance. 

He returned triumphantly, regaling us with tales of rockets and a little potty and an as-yet nameless friend in a blue shirt.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Best Timing Ever

As in right after getting home from Costco, no food is put away, baby is hungry, leaving to go pick up Luke soon. 

Perfect time to get soaking wet. 

Monday, August 19, 2019

FIRST day of FIRST grade

Today was an emotional day.

For everyone but Luke. For some reason the first day of first grade is so much worse for me than the first day of kindergarten. The day isn't any longer and it isn't a new school, but for some reason it feels so much more official than just last year. 
The really sad one today was poor Derek. I was a very inadequate substitution for his big brother, which he let me know in no uncertain terms. When I told him it was time to go get Luke he took off running to the garage yelling "Yay! Time to get Luke!"

When we got there to pick him up the first thing Luke said was "Can we stay for a few more minutes?" Then: "My teacher said I did really well!" 

And my favorite from the day, "I'm so sweaty I'm going to have to change my underwear!" 

Saturday, August 17, 2019

5 Month Wessers

Wesley is the happiest little baby. So grinny. So smiley. Laughing all the time. He gets so excited that his whole body gets in on his big open-mouthed grin and he squirms and does a little baby crunch to tell you he wants to be picked up. 

He is getting so good at using his hands and is so excited about it. He grabs his toes when he's laying on the ground, he grabs my plate when I'm eating, he grabs hair and toys and kind of scratches at cloth if its nearby. He loves to grab my face and suck on it. I call them kisses. 

Wes also love love loves his brothers and thinks they are hilarious. They often go overboard and I'm often nervous, but he rarely seems to mind. 

He does still hate his carseat, but is getting used to it enough that small drives aren't the end of the world. (And I'm sure the start of school will cure the rest) He also gets a little offended if he is tired and I put him down. 

Wesley has two bottom teeth and is just about to sprout his two top teeth, but is handling it like a champ. He actually seems to like tummy time and is a very lazy roller, but is quite close to being able to sit up. 
We don't mind. We want him to be a baby forever. 

Saturday, August 10, 2019


Buds' birthday was surprisingly...


Complete with some hip new tech, a trip to Houston's hippest boardgame cafe, 

No boardgame cafe is complete without the standard hipster employee!

and indulging in some craft ice cream, the only trendy food Ken approves. 

Happy birthday to the hippest cat in town!