Wednesday, May 16, 2018

love you, mom (even a few days past mothers' day)

Five things I'd like to do like my mom:

1. My mom has always been the biggest advocate for her children. There was never any doubt about it, my mom lives for her kids. And now for her grandkids! Even her master's program in counselling is essentially a way for her to emotionally support her kids. There wasn't (isn't) anything she wouldn't do for us...

2...happily. As in, my momma loves her service, and she always let us know it. I'll ask her to do just downright awful things (big poopy diapers, painstaking sewing projects, dishes and cooking and laundry and cleaning...) and she will say "yes!" with a smile and hum to herself as she heads off to her doom...

3...because she loves to work! Problems and challenges are thrilling and exciting to her, and she has a way of pulling in bystanders to join in the fun.

4. My mom also loves the temple. Not in an obligated, I should probably go since it's been ten months kind of way, but in a brought-to-tears, lifetime-of-service kind of way. There isn't anywhere she would rather be, especially if the temple were full of her family.

5. Finally, my mom loves being a woman. She has always had the highest opinion of motherhood and womanhood and everything our gender brings with it. There isn't anything she would change about our divine role as women and knows that our Heavenly Father feels the same way. 

Girl power, mom! 

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