Sunday, April 8, 2018

23 Months

This has been a busy month for Baby D! He now has twenty teeth, is enrolled in his first sports class (soccer), has had his first x-ray (wrist), and owns his first cowboy hat. He has also learned how to crawl out of his pack-n-play and has crawled out of his crib once or twice (but not enough for us to take the actual bars away yet...). 

Most of all though, he's just turned into a talker! He has started pretending to talk on the phone and likes to call Mere Mere and Opa D especially and say "sorry" a lot. His vocabulary has exploded in the last month and he can now say pretty much whatever he wants. Sometimes he still likes to take advantage of his baby face though, and might not know exactly what he wants, so he will cry and wait until we offer enough suggestions that he figures it out. He likes to talk to his stuffed animals and his action figures and to strangers and Lukey, and has started yelling at the screen during sports games thanks to his two shining examples. He has also learned some very important exclamations, such as "Touchdown BYU!" "Sticks right now!" and "My do it!", which will serve him well in the future. 

Best of all, he has this hilarious absolute confidence in everything he does--watching him, he's so determined it's like he convinces you that that book does really need to be put in a sink full of water and that the toilet paper really must come off the roll and he really does have to pull out all of Luke's hair right this minute! At the very least he makes sure there is never a dull (or quiet) moment. 

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