Friday, March 2, 2018

Derek at 22 Months

Derek's little voice can be heard all day long now! He finally has a recognizable word for his older brother (pronounced "Yukee") and loves pointing things out to him ("Lukey! Airplane!") and scolding him ("No Lukey!") and inviting him to play with him ("Lukey jump couch?"). He refers to himself as "Baby" and has also called himself "D" on occasion. 

Derek's also just kind of a tank. He is a solid little bundle of opinions and expressions and confidence that has no problem plowing other kids over at the park. He leaves a trail of destruction in his wake the likes of which we have never seen before, since Luke has always been surprisingly careful. Suddenly books are being ripped and toys are being broken and walls are being pounded on and there's Baby D, clearly determined to carry it out. He is, however, very honest about his destructive efforts, and will tell Kenny "Baby rip it" or "Baby break it" when he gets home. 

He's also very empathetic, however, and will come up to Luke when he's crying and make sympathetic noises and give him hugs and little kisses on his face. He gives the best little loves and the most painful face pinches and makes the funniest expressions.

And has the best little body. 

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