Word to the wise: Never. Ever. Attend the Houston zoo on a spring break day. We pulled up fifteen minutes after the zoo opened and had to park in a small, overlooked parking spot farther away from the zoo, but were way better off than the other poor souls driving around for hours with no luck.
But! Once inside, we enjoyed the most beautiful day. Derek loved all of the animals and was only upset that he wasn't allowed to climb over the fences...
and Luke made friends with a zoo keeper and peppered him with questions about the Ocelot we were looking at. (Why is it up there? Why doesn't it like to look at people? What eats these guys?)
The boys also enjoyed giant popcorn bags as a spring break treat, and other zoogoers enjoyed the spectacle of Derek lugging around a bag of popcorn the size of himself and shoveling handfuls in his mouth as fast as he could.
And then we made someone else supremely happy when we left them a nice parking spot within walking distance of the zoo. You're welcome, white SUV.