Wednesday, September 27, 2017

17 Months

Baby D has grown again! And so quickly!

Derek is so hilarious, even when he's screaming and throwing tantrums. He likes to walk funny and make funny noises with his mouth and dance funny and loves to do things to make Luke laugh. He also has a very high opinion of his own sense of humor! And will keep laughing even as he gouges and pinches your face or pulls your hair or whacks you with a stick. 

As far as we can tell, Derek understands pretty much everything we say (and has even started to selectively ignore us!) and desperately wants to communicate back. So since his vocabulary is limited, he will repeat the words he does know over and over and over, and his favorite word to repeat is Mama! Hooray. Between he and Luke I probably get to hear my name a couple hundred times a day. As Kenny says, I'm just so loved!

Baby D's favorite things are balls, sticks, rocks, popcorn, grapes, blueberries, dogs, animals of any kind, sugar, books, and laughing. Often at everyone else.

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