Wednesday, July 12, 2017

14 Months

This post is making it just in time.

Baby D's vocabulary is growing bigger everyday! He can now say 'dada, book, bye, uh-oh, num-nums (for nursing), hat, and wa-wa (water) and understands a whole lot more.

More than anything, he now understands just how irritating he can be and takes advantage of any opportunity to make Luke squawk. If there's a tower built, he's off to destroy it. If Luke is playing with something, Derek will come over, grab hold, and shriek until he lets go. He loves to pull Luke's hair and clonk Luke on the head and gets a big kick out of grabbing dada's glasses and smacking him in the face. Luckily he makes up for it with his giant hugs and kisses and overall loving little self.

Derek loves to imitate and makes all sorts of funny noises; he oohs when a package is opened and laughs maniacally when he gets ahold of Luke's legos. He has also taught himself how to fold his hands during prayers and flops on the floor when we say our family prayers at night.

Luke says: "My favorite thing about Derek is sleeping. Because then I can play a game."
(As in, he prefers him to be asleep. Someday they will appreciate each other's company more.)

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