Tuesday, March 28, 2017

T Minus 1 Month!

Baby D just can't seem to grow up fast enough!

He has settled on a first word, which he likes to use a lot, and true to his little personality it is neither Mama nor Dada, but "uh-oh". And believe me, he knows what it means. One of his favorite things to do is to announce "uh-oh", and then chuck something over the side of his high chair or out of the tub. He has also finally started waving consistently (without any aid from mom). There are no official first steps yet, but he's so darn fast with his little bear crawl that he doesn't seem to be in a huge hurry to advance. 

Baby D has also started dancing! He has a couple of sweet new moves: if he's standing, he does some really deep squats. If he is sitting, he does some funny little shoulder wiggles, puffing out his chest and belly. And if he's in his car seat and has some sunglasses on, he will bob his head to the beat, admiring himself in his little mirror. 

Derek is charming and giggly and adorable and he totally knows it. He has already learned how to taunt his older brother (the only way to pay him back for all of those tackles and bear hugs), and will grab a toy Luke has been playing with and make a dash in the opposite direction. He can pull the lids off of spices, pull caps off of pens and markers, and grab plates from the dishwasher faster than any baby alive. He's got an eye for small, choking hazard sized objects and will scurry away with his cheeks filled if he thinks you're going to make him spit something out. 

Above all, Derek will give you the best little hugs and kisses and make you feel like you are his whole world--if you can catch him.

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