Derek is constantly moving; if he's on the floor, he's crawling. If he's being changed, his trying to flip over. If he's being held, he's turning his head every few seconds, taking it all in, or trying to dive out of your arms to get at someone else. And while he's moving, he's talking. He makes tiny little squawks about every twenty seconds or so, kind of like a homing beacon, just so that we don't forget that he's there. And if he is offended or made to wait or denied something he had already assumed was his, he infuses all of that attitude right into his squawks and scolds you soundly. Despite growing up in a house full of motor-mouths, Derek will have no problem making himself heard.
Baby D also loves to get reactions out of people (the bigger the better) and loves to laugh with everyone. (in primary today he spent a few minutes trying to get a cheerio to stick to his little friend's forehead) He gives big open-mouthed kisses and will give you a big squeeze and lay his head down on your shoulder to give you a hug. He loves to put things into containers and dump them out again, loves chasing cars and balls around, and gets super excited whenever anyone cheers or claps. He seems to have resigned himself to eating and loves grapes, berries, scrambled eggs, and bread.
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