Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Five Month Monster

Thankfully about three weeks ago Baby D decided that he was sick of squawking to be picked up off the floor and decided to start sitting! Since then he has been a much happier little camper and has learned to entertain himself for short stretches of time. 

But not for too long. He still needs to be at the center of everything, especially if Luke is involved. Luke's toys are always better, his activities are always more interesting, and the Babe's attention span is always longer when he has his best brother to play with him. 

More than anything else, his dearest desire is that he be allowed to play with and drink from Luke's water bottle! Anytime he sees it he is fixated and gets very irritated if he finds the lid is closed and the straw is hidden. 

See a theme with these pictures??
Derek still hates the car, still hates to sleep, still hates to be left out, and in general is just showing lots of really strong preferences and opinions already (hooray for me). We've started Baby Led Weaning a little early, since he's already sitting up so well, and so far he has gnawed on some carrots, celery, apple, Asian pear, and green beans. More than anything, he enjoys being able to sit up to the table and be a part of the mealtime fun! 

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