A bit belated, but did you see what we had going on last month? Cut me some slack here.
Baby D is just so adorable. Who could resist that face and those eyes? And if you should happen to glance away for a moment he is there with piercing shrieks and squawks to draw your attention back immediately.
Baby D does not like to be put down ever; luckily he will happily sit in his baby carrier all day (about the only time he is not squawking), will lay his head down and fall asleep, and then will remain asleep while being swaddled and laid down in his bed.
Thanks to all of the traveling he is still not sleeping through the night (although about a week into a new place he starts going six or seven hours, usually right before we leave again), and has also developed an intense dislike for his car seat, making car rides everyone's least favorite activity.
Baby D has also started rolling! Not very consistently and mostly front to back, but occasionally he will surprise us with long rolling marathons and will roll back and forth to reach his favorite toys.
Derek also makes excellent use of his hands to pull everything to his mouth. He also recently discovered his feet and was very angry when he couldn't get them to come off.
He has the sweetest, most charming smile and dimples and still makes the best surprised faces with his big expressive eyes. We wouldn't trade him for anyone!