Monday, November 2, 2015

They Call Me Mellow Yellow

Curious George was quite the hit, both at the ward Trunk or Treat and sloshing through the wet after it had been raining all day on Halloween night. Plenty of pictures were posed for, including some sweet grandparents who had to send it to their grandchild because his favorite TV show was Curious George, and lots of little kids came up and went, "Hey! It's George!"

Even more of a hit with the kiddos, however, was our man in the yellow hat. Visible even in the dark from far away, several kids came up, their moms in tow, just to stare at Ken while their moms apologized and said, "He saw you and just had to come see you up close; you're one of his favorite characters!"

Ken thinks it's because he is the ultimate father figure; he lets his monkey do anything!

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