Thursday, November 20, 2014

17 Months

This month has seen the biggest increase in vocabulary so far, with fun new words like "Baba" for grandma, "Pa-Dee" for Opa D, "Coco" for Colton, "Ku" for Luke, and "poo-poo!" (for poo-poo) Luke is just constantly moving and making noise and messes, observing and imitating and being adorable. 

Luke no longer enjoys normal kids' toys (maybe he just needs new ones) but instead prefers to play with anything electronic; he can tell if the phone or remote you give him doesn't work and will not be happy about it. He still loves socks and shoes and will go get his shoes if asked; he also likes to hide little surprises for daddy in his dress shoes while he is at work. He is also starting to listen very closely to what we say (unfortunately?) and will race towards the door any time he hears the word "outside". 

Luke is beginning to pretend and to show signs of deliberate deviousness and humor. A few days ago I couldn't find him for almost a full minute (a long time when your apartment is pretty small), until I spotted him hiding silently behind our big chair. Strangers still love him and he still does pretty well around strangers, for the most part, so far doing very well with babysitters. He certainly keeps us on our toes. 

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