Sunday, March 23, 2014

Nine Months

Since Luke turns ten months in a few days, I thought I had better get this out.

 Little Luke keeps growing and growing! At his nine-month appointment he was weighing in at 21.5 pounds (65%) and 29.5 inches (91%) and was admired as very cute and curious. He is still a magnet for strangers, who can't help but comment on his a) big cheeks and b) spiky hair, usually in that order. He also receives plenty of compliments on his adorable smile, hilarious laugh, and beautiful blues. I don't even bother trying to look good anymore--Luke always steals the show.

Luke is now crawling everywhere and standing up on everything, with a textbook crawl and a fearless recklessness for the edges of couches and beds. He has eight (that's right, eight) teeth, four on top and four on bottom, which he hates to have brushed or inspected, but which he uses to eat lots of solid food. Oatmeal is still his least favorite, as far as we can tell, with avocado and banana holding strong as his first choices. Luke has started to show a little stranger anxiety and has been slightly more clingy to mom, but is still pretty friendly and mellow, for which we are very grateful.

And, after all, cuteness covers any multitude of sins. :)

1 comment:

  1. He's so tall! Oliver was only 31 inches at his appointment a few weeks ago. Although with a mom as short as me, Oliver can't have much hope. :) We miss you guys!
