Saturday, August 10, 2013

Baby Luke's First Month

Luke's first month was far more eventful than his mother would have preferred. At two weeks Luke got to witness his daddy graduate from law school. He was an angel, only pitching a fit after the festivities were over. 

At three weeks of life we moved from our little apartment in Chicago to a wandering lifestyle for the summer, taking Luke's first plane ride to Seattle to visit his Young grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. 

The girls enjoyed peering quietly at Baby Luke and holding him, while his boy cousins were far more amusing in their first encounters. Danton fell prostrate, unhappy to see his mother holding another baby...

while monster baby Caleb grinned and promptly tried to bite his toes. 

After our brief stint in Seattle, Luke took his second plane ride to Boise to spend time with the Shaner side of the family. Being the only child and the first grandbaby, he was a little spoiled and, at times...

overwhelmed. :)

During his first month, Luke has become much more alert and awake during the day, and is a spectacular sleeper at night, going right back to sleep after eating. His favorite things to look at are dark shapes on the walls and ceiling fans, which he will occasionally smile at. He hates tummy time more than anything else and will handle most other annoyances with stoicism and an occasional grunt. He enjoys using his hands and wrings them while he looks around, but will calmly fold them over his chest while he sleeps. Some of the loudest noises Luke makes are his toots, which we have aptly named big man toots as they are often louder than anyone else's and are usually accompanied by very stern scowls and loud grunts. He's a little boy, through and through. 

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