Thursday, February 21, 2013

Pièce de Résistance

And here we have it. The sole reason we went all the way to Peru. I think it was pretty worth it, don't you?

(I could not for the life of me find a picture where Ken was actually smiling with Macchu Picchu. Perhaps it was the precipice right behind us)

I lied. Here's one.

We spend two days exploring the world wonder. The first day was hot and sunny, the second cloudy with some intermittent rain. We also had a guide the first day who took us around and did a fabulous job explaining the different ruins and the history of the place, and then we were able to just wander around by ourselves the second. 

I don't know how to post the pictures to give them enough justice--the surrounding mountains and the greenery and the ruins all make for such a picturesque place, it's difficult to adequately describe all that we saw. 

Nestled in the mountains, I can't imagine more beautiful surroundings.

Or more practical--because it is so high and was so well-covered by foliage, the conquistadors couldn't find the site and, therefore, never had a chance to destroy it. 

And the ruins themselves were, of course, amazing.

We saw llamas, the natural grass cutters of the ruins...

squeezed through some tight spaces...

and successfully avoided falling off the mountain. 

Not bad for baby's first World Heritage Site and New World Wonder from the womb. 


  1. Wow.. those pictures are incredible! The clouds make it look super cool. I really want to go to Peru now:)

  2. Yeah, you got some amazing shots here. Totally makes me want to go.
