Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Ta Prohm

My favorite temple of our trip.

And also the backdrop for Tomb Raider! Although that is not the basis for my favoritism. Ouch Morin took us here right when it opened, and we were, consequently, five of maybe eight people walking through the complex at that time.

The trees, which began as small saplings growing on the moss or dirt collected on the tops of the ruins, have obviously dominated the ruins, and in some cases even became a part of the infrastructure. The main tree growing on the buildings is called a "spung" tree, which is very light and hollow.

The arch above has one stone that is only held up by tree roots, and tourists like to joke about being the ones who get caught underneath when it falls. Naturally, Kenny made sure we were far enough away.

Above-right is Colton with our fantastic guide, Mr. Morin.

As I said before, there was hardly anyone else there.

Besides the eight-armed Vishnu, as Mr. Morin called his creation.

After Ta Prohm we drove to another outlying temple called Banteay Srei, which is considered to be the most beautiful temple because of its intricate carvings and pink sandstone color.

Many of the statues are not the original carvings from when the buildings were constructed, as they have been removed and put on display at the National Museum in Phnom Penh. One of these "fake" statues had been recently vandalized..

...i.e. BEHEADED...
...and the head stolen for someone's personal collection. Why you would want to steal a head made recently is beyond me, but apparently someone finds it valuable.

Anyway, more and more ruins...

and kids swimming naked in the moats.

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