Thursday, December 8, 2011

Baby Fever

I was privileged to be able to throw my first baby shower last month to the first law school baby that will be born during these harrowing three years. Baby Tanner is a boy, loves to move and kick Susanne's (his mother) kidneys, and will be arriving around Christmas day. And the last we heard, was yet unnamed.

He enjoyed a lovely meal of Cafe Rio salads, lemonade, chocolate fondue, and a fantastically baked block cake courtesy of Jenny Benson.

(Grandma, you will be so proud: the blanket under the blocks was crocheted by none other than yours truly! It's about as crafty as I get so you all better be impressed.)

And baby will certainly be styling when it emerges, thanks to the showering of gifts.

Kenny would like me to add that this was all made possible through Susanne's husband Nathan's and his patience and strength, both of whom had to carry burning hot slow cookers full of pulled pork and other awkward and heavy things up to the top floor of our building, and then stand outside the entrance and direct people to the correct location throughout most of the party.

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