Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Land of Potatoes

A few weekends ago, while Kenny was elbow-deep in his books and not very good company, I escaped out to visit my mom and Colton and see the new monstrosity that is their house. I forgot to take many good pictures of it, but I did get a picture of Colton and his cousins showering in the "water park", as they have come to refer to the master bathroom.

While there, I got to see Colton play some of his baseball games and got to try out different shutter speeds on  my camera for some fun action shots. Colton and his team are doing very well, and Colton, being the slugger that he is, has hit a few home runs already this season.

Grandma and Grandpa Whitt, the Kelseys (my mom's youngest sister and her family), and their new dogs also paid us a visit. And although the three Kelsey boys and Colton will always be adorable, I'm afraid the two new hounds stole the show. Their grand entrance, however, was a little anti-climactic, as when they first arrived they refused to walk anywhere and had to be carried. Nate was very proud of this fact, as apparently he did extensive research beforehand and found the slowest, laziest, and most lethargic dogs he could. And here they are--Copper and Major, respectively. 

The perfect dogs for Carter, Jake, and McKay (aka "the duck", courtesy of Kenny), while being wrestled and poked and pulled, they might once in a while emit a low growl, but have never resisted or fought back. And during small skirmishes with each other, they will soon flop sideways onto the ground and bark from that position, since standing is just too much work sometimes. Even pulling on a leash does nothing; more than likely you will end up pulling them along by their necks, unless they are inclined to actually put forth a little effort.

It was a sad moment when I realized that my days of three-month summers in the land of potatoes were officially over.

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