Thursday, July 18, 2019

Elder Shaner Returns!

In a skirt and sandals and covered in calusses and shells. 

And now nephews. 

Friday, July 12, 2019

Hot Mess

Three carseats, three backpacks, two suitcases, two boys, one baby, and one mama.

Earning pity glances wherever we went. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Kenny's Dreamland


Where Luke decided Pixie Stix were too sugary (#proudmommoment), Wesley decided he did not like loud music and strobe lights, Derek's favorite part was a giant dragon made out of jellybeans, and Kenny found his natural habitat. (and ate about his normal amount of sugar) 

My favorite was the giant marshmallow pit (not real, just giant foam pieces) which almost swallowed Derek.

And after all of the fun, Ken got to come home and empty his pockets. :) Set for a month at least.