Wednesday, January 17, 2018

When H-Town Freezes Over

A day I never thought I'd see: Luke has a snow-day! And since no one actually owns winter gear or snow tires or even sells rock salt, everyone is stuck indoors. 

End of the world, anyone? 

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Cut, Hit, Burn, and Shoot

Speaking of city boys...

Grandpa Whitt always does his best to country-fy his great-grandsons when we come to town. And what could be better than pushing a giant pile of sticks together with a tractor, burning said giant pile of sticks in ones front yard (that one first covered in gasoline), roasting marshmallows on sticks that ones teenage cousins sharpened with their personal pocket knives, and having occasional sword fights? 

Derek rode the tractor for a good solid hour, and after Luke got over his initial despair from so many good sticks being destroyed, he really enjoyed trying his hand at lighting matches and sword-fighting with some sticks that he rescued from the blaze. 

They'll be country boys before you know it. 

Sunday, January 14, 2018


Mixed reviews on the snow...Derek wasn't a fan of walking on it, neither of the boys liked being cold, and after I threw a snowball right in his eyes while he was riding a sled, Luke no longer liked sledding (shocker). 

But Luke had more fun after he realized he could tackle and be tackled painlessly and Derek warmed up after Baga buried his legs in the snow. And then he buried mama.

The boys are growing up Houstonians, through and through.

Friday, January 12, 2018

20 Months

Derek is a little one-man tornado; even in a weakened, sickly state he can still demolish a perfectly clean room in four minutes flat, as Baba discovered. He also explored every corner of her house, meaning we found cars and little figurines in strange places and have completely lost other things.

Derek and food have a bit of a difficult relationship right now. He will eat almost anything as long as he is not strapped down, but as soon as he is buckled into his chair his daily preferences take over. And he will only feed himself if no one is watching or trying to feed him anything. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to his preferences; one day he'll eat a whole cup of broccoli happily, the next he'll make the most hilarious face as he turns his nose up at it. The foods that seem to have a permanent place in his good graces are: oatmeal, cheese, berries, pizza, frozen peas, crackers, grapes, and bread.

Derek has now entered the "do it all myself" and "I have an irrational opinion about everything" phases of life, which would be a lot worse if he weren't so hilarious. Now if we could only get him talking we wouldn't have to guess what all of the screaming is about.