Thursday, June 8, 2017


We could tell how much Baby D wanted that hair out of his eyes by how still he sat!

Don't worry. Someone will fix it.

Friday, June 2, 2017

Little Four-Year-Old Man

Luke has always loved to be active and physical and moving with a particular love for sports and balls. He loves games of all sorts (especially special games of his own creation that monopolize the kitchen table for days) and has a competitive streak matched only by his father. He loves to build and create anything and everything and has an imagination that makes everyday hilarious. Whether he is playing a football game entirely in his own little world (complete with verbal commentary--"Luke Russell Young scores a touchdown!") or making up words on a daily basis, life is much more entertaining with Luke around! 

Luke's love and excitement can be a bit smothering, especially to poor, tough Baby D, but Luke really does love everyone and has no time for grudges. He is friendly and chatty with strangers and will play with anybody (though he usually picks the activity). He doesn't want anyone to feel left out and has moments of really sweet, tender empathy for everything from cockroaches to discarded mail. But his sense of justice is also very black and white and I would hear stories from school of how one of his friends was hurt by someone else and so he "squashed them!" (obviously we discourage this) So we hear strange rationalizations about how storm troopers are not actually bad guys but are all good guys and best friends with Vader and Solo.

Happy birthday to the super-creative, extremely active, wildly imaginative, and ultra-competitive Luke the Pooke!