Thursday, October 27, 2016

6 Months

So about a week after my last Derek update, he grew tired of *just* sitting and began moving with a fierce determination only rivaled by his older brother. Nothing is too far away now, much to Luke's chagrin; the words most often yelled out by poor Luke the Pooke are "Baby! No!"

*here's proof!*

If that weren't enough, he now has two adorable bottom teeth and two giant top ones about to break through. He has also been seen going from a crawling position to a sitting position, can crawl up our little steps without face planting, and has tried to pull himself to a standing position several times (so far unsuccessful, but it's only a matter of time).

Derek is an extremely happy and social little guy, with (according to several people) a very "charming," easy smile. He thinks Luke is the funniest person in the entire world and can barely contain his excitement when Luke comes to find him in the morning. He loves to give rather painful, face pinching kisses and big tight hugs around the neck. He loves to shriek and laugh and talk and hates more than anything to be left out or left behind.

He still isn't sleeping through the night, and probably never will, because he likes to do the cutest, closed-eyes talking when he's really drowsy that makes it really hard to put him down.  How could you say no to this face?

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Stroking my Ego

Time for the annual costume flashback!

Ken decided to participate unenthusiastically. 

As punishment, this beauty gets to be immortalized on the world wide web.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Here Comes Halloween!

My daily holiday activities are muuuuch more realistic this year than last. Multiple sewing projects in one week? Yeah right.

Taking five minutes to wrap everybody up like mummies? 

We can handle that. 

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Derek's Dashing 'Do

Remember Luke's awesome long wispies? And how they just kept growing, and growing, and growing, until Ken finally consented to a haircut

Turn out it's hereditary. But while Luke's grew in like a fantastically old-man-inspired comb-over, Derek has chosen to fashion his after the ever-iconic emo teenager.

*initiate headbang*