Sunday, August 7, 2016

Return of the Mini Coop

Look at what they have turned into now!

The Coopers stopped by during their summer visit from Indonesia and Claire and Luke picked up right where they left off!

Lorenzo tried to claw out Baby D's eyes, Claire and I took a terrible selfie, and everyone had a great time. Oh, how we miss you!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Baby D's Cartoon Counterpart

Special powers include: sliming his enemies, hypnotizing them with his big eyes, and temporarily deafening them with shrieks of delight. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Kicking the City out of the Boy

Or: why Idaho is the greatest summer vacation spot.


Being handy outdoors!

Running around naked and barefoot!

Snuggling with grandparents!

What more could a little boy ask for.

Monday, August 1, 2016

3 Months

Baby D is such a charmer. He giggles and grins all day long. He giggles when you tickle him, he giggles when you change his clothes, he giggles when you play peek-a-boo and throw him up in the air. Things that are usually a chore when taking care of a baby are easy and fun with Baby D, because he honestly seems like he's always having a blast.

Derek loves people--give him a grin and you're his new best friend--but he especially loves his big brother. Anytime Luke comes in the room he follows him with his eyes everywhere he goes, and is ready with a huge grin and excited wiggles if Luke looks in his direction.

Baby D is very observant and hates to miss out on anything; he gets very distracted when nursing and is always trying to turn and look behind him whenever you're holding him. He has always had a very strong neck and is now working on his legs, preferring to stand most of the time. He rarely cries--it takes something really hurting or scaring him to get a good solid cry--but instead has more of a complaining kind of sound when he gets tired or hungry. He's on is way to sleeping through the night but is a bit of a nigh-owl, partying until way later in the night than mom and dad want to be awake.

All-in-all, he's just the cutest little guy we've ever seen.