Sunday, July 31, 2016

Belated 4th Greetings

I found this gem and couldn't resist posting it.

As it is almost August and I am just now getting this up, clearly I have been a bit out of it for a while. For example, Mere Mere left us two adorable outfits for the boys to wear, and it turns out neither of them were in their outfits for our 4th of July celebration. Luke decided to slather himself in Vasoline and Vick's Vaporub during his "quiet" time beforehand, (as seen here, along with the entire pack of wipes that he emptied onto the floor)

and I put the wrong outfit on Baby D (sorry Mere, better luck next year!).
Let freedom ring! 

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Very Blessed

Baby D has officially been named and blessed! Here are the pictures to prove it. 

Turns out getting two kids to hold still long enough for a picture is ridiculous. This was the best one out of 20+ pictures, despite Luke's hand in his face and Derek's funny scowl. Here are some of the outtakes:

And because he's just so adorable, here's Baby D in the Young blessing outfit (6th boy, and counting!):