Thursday, January 28, 2016

Arms Race

Luke has discovered the joys of weapons. A few weekends ago we had dinner with some friends and their four boys (who have consequently collected many weapons) and ever since have been shot repeatedly by Luke's miniature Star Wars blasters (or "fires", as Luke calls them) that he got for Christmas. 

And we aren't the only ones.

If that weren't enough, they have also invaded our nightly prayers, as Luke will always "bless the weapons and the weapons and the weapons and the weapons..." and on and on until we interrupt with another suggestion. 

Boys will be boys, I suppose. 

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Batter Up!

All decked out in his dada's alma mater gear. 

Future BYU ball player, anyone? 

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Law of the Jungle

Dear Mothers of the Houston Children's Museum:

Some of you seemed a little appalled by my parenting methods this morning, specifically my laissez-faire attitude that I adopted when my son totally dominated your kids and stole their toys. All I have to say is, if your child is as large as mine and doesn't have the guts to get his own toys back clearly someone needs to learn to fight for themselves.


The pregnant lady in the corner on her phone.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The Fun of Christmas

So very behind on blogging. Too much to write about, so here are the highlights.

Snowmen in Houston!


Shaner family!
 Christmas presents!

 Snowmen in Boise!

 Wonderful food!

 Whittaker family!

Cup walls!

Merry Christmas! and a Happy New Year!