Tuesday, February 3, 2015

A post that has nothing to do with Luke!

In which: I re-upholster a chair!



Voila!  Ten bucks at a garage sale.

Monday, February 2, 2015

20 Months

Seem like last month went by fast? That happens when I procrastinate one post and then manage to get another one out sort of on time!

(and look! He's sitting still! And purposefully smiling at the camera! And if you could hear him you would hear an adorable, drawn-out cheeeeeese!)

So a few words has turned into many and now we just have a little vocal toddler on our hands. Every once in a while he will revert back to grunts and shrieks and I will realize just how much I have come to rely on his verbal skills and how out of practice I am with "baby-ese". His favorite word of the month is definitely phone (pronounced "hone"); he will ask to see both mama's and dada's, and while facetiming will want to see baba's and coco's, and is happiest when grandma lines three or four phones up for him to see at once. 

He loves to repeat phrases (usually), and is pretty good at mimicking (I think), although I do realize that I understand him more than other people. By far the best part about this whole talking thing is being surprised by a word that I sure didn't teach him--like when he climbed into bed with us one morning and loudly demanded "pillow". Unfortunately, he can now ask to go outside ("side?") every fifteen minutes. 

Luke is still very friendly with adults and children, and has developed a newfound fascination for babies, but has entered the age of no-sharing; whenever little friends come over to play, Luke will quickly began gathering up his toys into his "hobo cart," as Kenny calls it (the shopping cart he got for Christmas--thank you Wheelers!), for a quick getaway. Balls are what he is most possessive about and what he mostly plays with, besides electronics and socks, and he thinks any and all belong to him. 

Luke can now open all of our doors, too, which is great fun, especially since he has figured out that he can hide in the shoe closet and shut the door behind him. He thinks he's hilarious.