Thursday, February 20, 2014

Model Baby

I don't know where he gets these faces from, but sometimes I swear he's preparing for his close-up.

And then he'll pull something like this...

Here's Luke loving the Houston Children's Museum with new friend Sam! 

 (Don't let his face of indifference fool you--he really did have a blast!)

Luke's Little Friends

Over the past few weeks we have started a playgroup with some of the other infants in our ward so that we, as mothers, can keep our sanity and commiserate on the difficulties of raising little babes. And so the little ones can eye each others' toys.

Luke is kind of a funny little guy when it comes to the playgroups. He loves other kids and babies and is always excited to see them, but usually spends the first fifteen minutes or so sitting very still and quiet, taking in his surroundings. Once he has given everything a once over he will happily start to play and until a few days ago didn't seem to care if his toys were taken away by others. His preferences for toys are clear: anything electronic, anything that makes fun noises when shaken or pounded, and books.

But bring out some food and all else is forgotten.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Kitchen Helper

Luke has discovered the secrets that cabinets and drawers hold. 

Nothing is safe anymore. 

Monday, February 3, 2014

Legally Licensed

On January 9, 2014, Ken was officially sworn in by the Honorable Judge Jerry E. Smith of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. (yes, it has been a while, but I was hoping Ken would take this opportunity to make his blogging debut--obviously that turned out really well)

Feel free to hound him with all of your legal concerns. :)

(And because no post would be complete without him, here' s Luke loving daddy's squishy office chair.)

Eight Months

This last month has moved us to a whole new playing field. 

Luke is officially mobile. Seemingly overnight, he went from sliding around on his belly occasionally and accidentally, to a very efficient army crawl that gets him absolutely anywhere he wants. We have been frantically ordering baby-proofing gadgets from Amazon, tying up chords and putting fragile items a few feet off the ground. And if that wasn't enough, a few days after that Luke decided to pull himself to a standing position on the couch and begin walking around it. Hasn't stopped since. 

Luke loves to make funny faces, click his tongue, rest his head for a second when he finds a blanket or soft pillow, give "kisses" to his stuffed animals, and pound on any surface that will make a sound (like the metal chairs in church during the Sacrament). He still loves attention, especially from other kids and babies, and will  easily reward strangers with a big toothy grin. He loves to be read to and has recently discovered just how much fun pens and paper can be! His object permanence is now well-established--he knows where daddy's phone is even when Ken doesn't--and he will come crawling after me long after I've left a room. 

Oh Luke. What was life like before you came along?