This last month has moved us to a whole new playing field.
Luke is officially mobile. Seemingly overnight, he went from sliding around on his belly occasionally and accidentally, to a very efficient army crawl that gets him absolutely anywhere he wants. We have been frantically ordering baby-proofing gadgets from Amazon, tying up chords and putting fragile items a few feet off the ground. And if that wasn't enough, a few days after that Luke decided to pull himself to a standing position on the couch and begin walking around it. Hasn't stopped since.
Luke loves to make funny faces, click his tongue, rest his head for a second when he finds a blanket or soft pillow, give "kisses" to his stuffed animals, and pound on any surface that will make a sound (like the metal chairs in church during the Sacrament). He still loves attention, especially from other kids and babies, and will easily reward strangers with a big toothy grin. He loves to be read to and has recently discovered just how much fun pens and paper can be! His object permanence is now well-established--he knows where daddy's phone is even when Ken doesn't--and he will come crawling after me long after I've left a room.
Oh Luke. What was life like before you came along?