Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Christmas Card Outtakes

Be prepared for the cuteness headed your way.

Our Own Little Stuffed Turkey

For Thanksgiving this year, Mere Mere and Opa D came for some delicious food and warm weather. Highlights included homemade mac and cheese and bacon-wrapped turkey...

which Luke enjoyed immensely. 

1/2 Year

We are now closer to Luke being a whole year old than we are to his birth. Blows my mind.
In the past month Luke has become more like a little independent person than ever. He can now sit up for long stretches unsupported, but still likes to take breaks and flop over the boppy pillow to rest every now and then. He now has four teeth! that all popped in within a week of each other, and luckily now his drool waterfall seems to have dried up momentarily. Little Luke loves playing with his toys, loves taking his nightly bath, and still hates taking naps. He has recently started to assert his will more and more definitely, insisting on holding his diaper ointment and his occasional bottle by himself and pulling our hands closer when we have something he wants. Luke wants to be a part of everything going on, including fixing and eating dinner, cleaning, and even shower-taking, and can tell when we are doing something without him and is never happy about it. Other than that, though, Luke is an extremely happy little man. 

A loud, smiley, giggly little man. 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Playing with Food

Anyone who has ever eaten a meal with Kenny knows that he always does more talking than eating.

Looks like we have another one on our hands.