Saturday, November 30, 2013

Luke's New Festive Friend

I was putting up our Christmas decorations today with a little help from Luke and Mere Mere, when Luke took a liking to our little elf and decided to talk to him.


This went on for a good fifteen minutes or so.

If only we all had such a friend. :)

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Helping Mom

Luke has reached the point in his babyhood when everything is boring. He can't move, he is just getting the hang of sitting, and there is no one around but mom (who really tries to get stuff done, but is the slave of his caprice). So every once in a while, we try something new. 

Like helping mom with laundry.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Get 'em while they're young

Luke recently attended his first BYU football game. And although he slept through a chunk of it, I can tell we have a future Cougar fan on our hands.

As if he could be anything else with this guy as his father...

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Luke's Luscious Locks 3

Luke's Luscious Locks 2

Luke's Luscious Locks

Luke has some seriously unfortunate old-man hair. Which Kenny loves and refuses to let me cut. To try to help him come to his senses, I have started doing some fun hairdos at night to draw attention to how ridiculous it is. 

Stay tuned for more manipulation of the comb-over.

We're Not at Mere Mere's Anymore...

Poor Luke and his makeshift playmat.

Five Months

At his five-month mark, Luke is around the respectable weight of sixteen and a half pounds, placing him at about the 40th percentile (a sad fall from his off-the-charts beginning, but much better than his five-week measurements at around the 25th), and is nice and long at 26 3/4 inches and the 90th percentile. With proper incentive he can roll over both directions, although he still favors from back to front and has to be reminded how to roll from front to back. We've had strangers comment on his excellent hand-eye coordination (his most practiced move being to his mouth), but he seems to only recently have noticed what his hands look like and enjoys twirling them around in front of his face. Luke loves his toes and enjoys pulling his feet all the way to his mouth to suck on his big toe. He is still a menace in church--one week I heard a nice lady lean over to her neighbor and exclaim "aw, there's that little boy who spit up all over his grandma last week!"--and his bodily functions are still so loud that a member making a comment in Sunday school stopped mid-sentence and turned around to look and laugh a few weeks ago. To make matters worse, he has now started to imitate us by laughing whenever he makes a particularly loud toot.

Luke is a very social little guy, who usually smiles at strangers but has recently started to cry at the sight of certain individuals with no apparent rhyme or reason. He does, however, seem to really like other babies and kids. He had the chance to interact with another baby about his size at the ward Halloween party who Luke was very interested in, but who started to cry after Luke shrieked at her three or four times.

He is the main source of our entertainment both day and (still, unfortunately) night!

Happy Halloween

from the family of food mascots.